Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Why Vegetarians Can't Lose Weight - Tips to Overcome - Health - Weight Loss

One main reason why vegetarians can't lose weight is that a lot of them thought by going on a vegetarian diet they can eat anything in vegetarian version and they won't gain weight. A big myth that even today is still etched in the mindset of many people. How sad!

The truth is, if you keep having high calorie food minus off the meat, the unexpended excess calories will still be stored as body fat. In other words, vegetarian diet does not guarantee weight loss. It's still bound by the "calorie in - calorie out" rule.

Upon knowing that vegetarian diet can't necessarily help lose weight, some people turn back to their meat diet. Imagine a high-cal, toxin-laden meat diet, that's even worse. You can still stick to your vegetarian diet, but ridding the unhealthy portions. Here's how.

Vegetarian Lose Weight Tip #1 - Eat Whole Food

Over all these years, your taste buds have been used to the texture and flavor of processed food which typically contain high sugar, sodium and fat. So if you were to switch to eating whole natural food out of the blue, your taste buds may not be able to accept it. This may affect you psychologically and make you cringe at the thought of eating them.

Having said that, you need to transition gradually - allow sufficient time for your taste buds to accept whole vegetarian food by perhaps, taking one portion of fruits and veggies for the first week, then increase to 2 portions in the second week and so forth, until whole natural food becomes the staple of your diet. Grains, nuts and seeds and other whole foods are as important.

Vegetarian Lose Weight Tip #2 - Stay Active

Move it! The more you move, the easier it is for you to lose weight. But do not overexert yourself. If you get hurt and need to stop any physical activity, you may easily input more calories if you let loose on your diet.

Therefore, exercise caution during your workout bout or any strenuous physical activities. Be sure to go easy on your body especially if you've not been exercising for quite some time, then slowly up the intensity level as your body becomes seasoned. Preventing injury allows you to keep yourself active at all times so that your body can keep burning fat like a furnace.

Vegetarian Lose Weight Tip #3 - Plan Ahead

It's never enough to just do more exercises and eat more whole vegetarian food. True, you'll lose weight with doing both, but you won't lose weight as effective as compared to having a plan.

You can easily come up with a workout plan for a month or two, but planning out your meals ahead for a month will probably appear intimidating. To reduce the overwhelming effect, each time plan out your meals for just 3 days. Doing so can also easily keep your calorie intake in check and help you avoid grabbing junk food which can easily undo the loss of weight.

Vegetarians can't lose weight? Not when you follow through the above tips.


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