Traditional Medicine To Treat Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Traditional medicine is chosen by more people with the disease of cholesterol because of its natural and free from side effects, made from traditional medicinal plants that have been studied previously and efficacy testing, especially cholesterol, can be treated with several kinds of traditional medicinal plants and their claim to recover from diseases that haunt during this time. Cholesterol is one part of fat or lipid. Cholesterol is the most we find in animals. Our bodies require very little fat in the body of this type if the excess amount, then that person is said to suffer from high cholesterol (hyper kolesterolemia), so often people refer to cholesterol are bad fats.

Do Not Drink Water While Standing

Plenty water many beneficial for human life. The need for water is also unavoidable in maintaining our health. In one day, at least we need 8 liters to supply our bodies. However, there are things that should be avoided in consuming this water. That should be remembered that when drinking water, do not let you in a standing position. In a study of acupuncture health experts held one acupuncture. This is evidenced in terms of health. Drinking water that enter through drink while sitting will be screened by sfringer. Sfringer is a structure muscular that can be opened (so that urine can pass) and close. Any water you drink will be provided at stations located in the kidney filtration.

Beware of Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of a food material or a drink which contains the pathogenic micro organism or their toxins or poisonous chemicals.Food poisoning is common in hostels,hotels,communal feedings, and festivel seasons. A group of persons will be affected with same type of symptoms ,and they give a history of consumption of a common food before few hours.

Ants Nest Powerfull Alternative Medicine Diseases

Earth, where you stand, and make a living this life is the source of everything. Things you did not know previously with endowed intellect and mind, and learning from previous life, humans can find a variety of prescription drugs and hereditary believed to cure various diseases. There is a term that "nothing is impossible" as well as with drugs and disease, human nature has created for the protection of life. And humans have an obligation to manage, utilize and preserve what has been available all.

7 Worst Foods You Should Avoid At Night

Everyone knows that there are certain foods that you should not eat at night. although many people still break them. Oversight may be forgiven a moment, but there are some foods you must avoid before you go to sleep at night. Before you decide on the next snack before you sleep, you need to know the worst foods you should avoid at night.

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Danger Of Blowing Hot Food

Usually when we eat food or drink that is hot then we blow it out so that the food or beverage that goes into our mouths be cold. It can be risky to our health due to food or drink is still hot it will release water vapor that we know where the water vapor is H2O (aq).

If we blow it, then we will remove CO2 from the mouth. according to the chemical reaction, when water vapor reacts with carbon dioxide to form carbonic acid compounds (carbonic acid) that are acidic.

CO2 + H2O => H2CO3

We need to know that there was blood in H2CO3 that is useful to adjust the pH (acidity level) in the blood. Blood is the buffer (which can maintain the pH of the solution) with a weak acid H2CO3 and the conjugate base of HCO3-so the blood has a pH of 7.35 to 7.45 with the following reaction:

CO2 + H20 <= H2CO3 => HCO3-+ H +

The body uses a pH buffer (buffer) in the blood as a protection against the changes which occur suddenly in blood pH. Abnormalities in the mechanisms controlling the pH, can cause one of two major abnormalities in acid-base balance, namely acidosis or alkalosis.

Acidosis is a condition where the blood has too much acid (or a very low base) and often causes decreased blood pH.
While Alkalosis is a condition where the blood has too much base (or too little acid) and sometimes cause increased blood pH.

Back again to the initial problem, where our food is inflatable, and carbon dioxide from our mouth will bind with moisture from the food and produce carbonic acid which will affect the level of acidity in our blood so that it will lead to a situation where our blood will become more acidic than it should so pH in the blood decreases, the situation is more known as acidosis.

Along with decreasing pH of the blood, breathing becomes deeper and more rapid as the body's effort to reduce excess acid in the blood by lowering the amount of carbon dioxide.
In the end, the kidneys also try to compensate this situation by issuing more acid in the urine.
But both of these mechanisms will not be useful if the body is constantly producing too much acid, resulting in severe acidosis. In line with worsening acidosis, the patient began to feel fatigue, drowsiness, nausea and experiencing more confusion. If acidosis worsens, blood pressure may fall, causing shock, coma and even death.

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Dangers of Drinking Water Before Meals

Do you people who do this practice everyday?

To reduce excessive eating a lot of people drink water first just before eating. Should eliminate the habit, if you want a drink before dinner do it one hour before a meal.

Eating too much water just before eating it makes you lose your appetite because the stomach becomes full. But drinking water just before eating will make the process of absorption of food by the enzyme becomes more difficult.

Because the water you drink took 30 minutes to flow from the stomach into the intestines. So if you drink just before eating, the water had not been added into the intestine with the food that makes enzymes work harder.

Professor Hiromi Shinya MD, an expert on the enzyme which is also professor of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine USA, as quoted from his essay, 'The Miracle of Enzyme', Saturday (20/2/2010), suggested that drinking water was performed 1 hour before time to eat.

As with plants, he said there is a good period for drinking because of excessive irrigation on the plant will make the plants to rot and wither. So there is a period of time corresponding to bodies of water to drink.

The ideal way to meet the water needs for the body are:

1-3 glasses when I wake up in the morning
2-3 cups, one hour before lunch
2-3 cups, one hour before dinner.

According to note is that drinking water after waking up because of fluid loss must be quickly replaced when I wake up.

Health experts do not recommend drinking water before bed if very thirsty but can be done one hour before bedtime.

Drinking water just before bed can prevent backflow. Although only water, when mixed with stomach acid into the throat and can be inhaled into the lungs which is feared the risk of suffering from pneumonia.

Get used to sleep with an empty stomach because the throat is designed so that no one goes into it other than air. If still no food or drinks, the stomach contents will spill up into the esophagus when you lie down. When that happens, the body will constrict the windpipe and stop your breathing to prevent stomach contents into the throat.

Many incidents of people dying from a heart attack at dawn. The reason is that the acid flows back as a result of eating or drinking late at night, and ends at the closing of the respiratory tract, then so is irregular breathing, blood oxygen levels decrease and eventually less supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.

Admittedly, the need to drink every person is different, but make it a habit to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day (1.5 to 2 liters) for adults. If the weather is very hot for example, then people will need to drink more. Conversely those with weak digestive systems may experience diarrhea if you drink too much.

The amount of water a person needs varies depending on the size of the person's body and what is considered appropriate for her body. Only fixed-time look at the ideal time to drink, beyond the need for another drink.

If the water needs are met well then you will rarely get sick. When the water needs are met, the water will moisten the areas in the body that easily attacked by bacteria and viruses such as the bronchi (respiratory tube), stomach and intestinal mucosa. That way the immune system becomes active so that these areas become difficult to attack a virus or bacteria.

Conversely, if less water is consumed, the bronchial mucous membranes will become dehydrated and dried, where phlegm and mucus produced in the bronchi. If there is not enough water then the sputum and bronchial mucus will stick to that later became the breeding of viruses and bacteria.

Water is essential for the body. If there is no water people are not only malnourished but also impurities and toxins will accumulate in the cell can not be excluded. The bad effects, it will accumulate toxins that damage the cells of one gene that can cause changes in the genes into cancer cells.

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Traditional Medicine To Treat Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Traditional medicine is chosen by more people with the disease of cholesterol because of its natural and free from side effects, made from traditional medicinal plants that have been studied previously and efficacy testing, especially cholesterol, can be treated with several kinds of traditional medicinal plants and their claim to recover from diseases that haunt during this time. Cholesterol is one part of fat or lipid. Cholesterol is the most we find in animals. Our bodies require very little fat in the body of this type if the excess amount, then that person is said to suffer from high cholesterol (hyper kolesterolemia), so often people refer to cholesterol are bad fats.
In addition to cholesterol, in the lemk also contained triglycerides, phospholipids, and free fatty acids. But most of all it is only the fear of cholesterol and triglycerides. All of these substances can dissolve and flow with the bloodstream as lipoproteins.

Based on the physical and chemical properties, are grouped into several kinds of lipoproteins, including LDL (low density lipoprotein) and HDL (Hight Density Lipoprotein). LDL is the largest transportation carry cholesterol throughout the body. LDL is very easy to stick to the walls of the blood vessel wall which causes the accumulation of fat in this place. The blood vessels will meyempit it. This process is called with atherosclerosis. Another case with DHL (Hight Density Lipoprotein), lipoprotein is greatly needed by the body. Against the LDL HDL function. HDL is important for the body as a cleaner because its function is to transport cholesterol to the liver to dispose of as bile acids. When this has been many studies that prove the cholesterol and triglyceride levels associated with coronary heart disease. LDL and triglycerides in the blood <300 mg / dl and <200 mg / dl. Whereas normal HDL should be more than 45 mg / dl.

Once we see the great dangers posed by cholesterol and triglycerides, there the important role of traditional medicine as a natural remedy that is free from side effects. Some traditional medicinal plants can reduce both types of bad fats, either from experience or from the use of research results.

Teak Traditional Medicinal Plants NetherlandsTraditional medicinal plants of Dutch identity (Gauzuma ulmifolia Lamk) is known since long as a slimming drug raw materials. Slimming means giving up fat deposits in the body. The role of the enzyme lipase. This enzyme will hydrolyze fats into fatty glycerol fatty acid nd. Leaves Dutch identity capable of increasing the activity of the enzyme lipase. Results of steeping herbs traditionally Dutch identity better in appeals decoction.

Traditional Medicinal Plants PulaiTraditional medicinal plants Pulai (Alstoina scholaris R.Br.) is often also called wood cork. Stems and Pulai branch of traditional medicinal plants is more soft and easily broken in the appeal of wood in general. Kulita traditional medicinal plant stems Pulai (Babakan) has been known since long as the manufacture of herbal ingredients. Bark of traditional medicinal plants can also reduce cholesterol in the blood

Traditional Medicinal Plants SambilotoTraditional medicinal plants sambiloto (Andrograpis paniculata Nees) has a lot of properties. Papaitan traditional medicinal plants in the Sunda region can increase the power taham body (immunity) people who eat them. Also believed that this plant can lower cholesterol and triglycerides.


Traditional Medicinal Plants parasite tea
Traditional medicinal plants tea mistletoe (scurulla atropurpureabi.Dans.) Better known as cancer drugs, but the parasite tea traditional medicinal plants can also reduce cholesterol


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